By John M. Parrish, Field Botanist/Ecologist 2001
Common Name | Latin Name |
Spotted Salamander | Ambystoma maculatum |
Dusky Salamander | Desmognathus fuscus |
Two-lined Salamander | Eurycea bislineata |
Redback Salamander | Plethodon cinereus |
American Toad | Bufo americanus |
Fowler's Toad | Bufo woodhousei |
Spring Peeper | Hyla crucifer |
Gray Treefrog | Hyla versicolor |
Bullfrog | Rana catesbeiana |
Green Frog | Rana clamitans |
Pickerel Frog | Rana palustris |
Southern Leopard Frog | Rana sphenocephala |
Wood Frog | Rana sylvatica |
Spotted Turtle | Clemmys guttata |
Box Turtle | Terrapene carolina |
Searchlist - these species possibly exist in the Paint Branch watershed because they are known to occur sparingly in nearby watersheds. |
Marbled Salamander | Ambystoma opacum |
Spring Salamander | Gyrinophilus porphyriticus |
Slimy Salamander | Plethodon glutinosus |
Red Salamander | Psuedotriton ruber |
Eastern Newt | Notophthalmus viridescens |
Cricket Frog | Acris crepitans |
Cope's Gray Treefrog | Hyla chrysoscelis |