By John M. Parrish, Field Botanist/Ecologist 2001
Common Name / Latin Name | Watersheds |
Pink-lady's Slipper Cypripedium acaule | PB & LPB |
Large Whorled Pogonia Isotria verticillata | PB & LPB |
Grass Pink Calopogon tuberosus | Powder Mill Bogs |
Rose Pogonia Pogonia ophioglossoides | PB & LPB |
Showy Orchis Galearis spectabilis | PB & LPB |
Little Club-spur Orchid Platanthera clavellata | PB & LPB |
Ragged Fringed Orchid Platanthera lacera | LPB |
Cranefly Orchid Tipularia discolor | PB & LPB |
Putty-root Orchid Aplectrum hyemale | PB & LPB |
Rattlesnake Plantain Goodyera pubescens | PB & LPB |
Slender Ladies'-tresses Spiranthes gracilis | LPB |
Nodding Ladies'-tresses Spiranthes cernua | Powder Mill Bogs |
Lily-leaved Twayblade Liparis lilifolia | PB |
PB - Paint Branch
LPB - Little Paint Branch
Powder Mill Bogs - The area historically known as the "Powder Mill Bogs"
occurred in BOTH watersheds. There were numerous bog sites in this area, nearly all of which have been destroyed.