Inventory of Biodiversity and Significant Habitats in the Paint Branch Watershed
By John M. Parrish, Field Botanist/Ecologist 2001
Biodiversity Survey
- Flora of the Paint Branch Watershed
- Fauna of the Paint Branch Watershed
- Threats and Management Needs
Management Needs and Recommentations
- Future Study Needs
1.5.1 Rock Outcrops
Common Name / Latin Name
- Interrupted Fern Osmunda claytoniana
- Fragile Fern Cystopteris fragilis
- Marginal Wood Fern* Dryopteris marginalis
- Maidenhair Fern Adiantum pedatum
- Rock Polypody* Polypodium virginianum
- Virginia Snakeroot Aristolochia serpentaria
- Forked Chickweed* Paronychia canadensis
- Starry Campion* Silene stellata
- Columbine* Aquilegia canadensis
- Wild Sarsaparilla* Aralia nudicaulis
- Hairy Skullcap Scutellaria elliptica
- Dittany Cunila origanoides
- Fringe-tree Chionanthus virginicus
Within the Paint Branch Watershed, these plants are found almost exclusively associated with rock outcroppings and/or rich rocky soils in the immediate vicinity of rock outcrops.
Plants denoted by * are epipetric, that is they often are found growing directly upon rocks in rock crevices or amongst mosses in very shallow soils over bedrock.